ASEZ WAO DIY Eco-Friendly Bag Event in White Plains 5

Crafting a Greener Tomorrow: ASEZ WAO DIY Eco-Friendly Bag Event

On February 28, 2024, ASEZ WAO hosted a hands-on event at the Church of God in White Plains, NY. 5 guests and 17 ASEZ WAO members explored ways to help the environment through a do-it-yourself (DIY) eco-friendly bag activity.

The event kicked off with a presentation introducing ASEZ WAO’s mission. Attendees learned about the impact of human actions on the Earth, such as climate change and global warming. They discovered ASEZ WAO’s Green Workplace campaign, which encourages simple actions like using personal cups and turning off monitors to protect the environment while at the workplace. Additionally, they were informed about the Reduce Plastic Campaign that explains about the harmful effects of plastic on both people’s health and the planet.

Brushing Up On Sustainability

Excited to put their environmental awareness into action, participants began the main activity of the event: creating their own eco-friendly bags. With paintbrushes in hand, they personalized their bags while also contributing to the cause of environmental conservation. Each participant left the event with a reminder of their commitment to sustainability.

Feedback from the guests was very positive and optimistic. They were happy with their DIY creations and excited about incorporating them into their daily lives as practical tools for reducing plastic consumption. In addition, attendees left the event with eagerness to stay engaged with ASEZ WAO’s initiatives, anticipating future events and opportunities to further contribute to environmental advocacy and action.

The ASEZ WAO DIY eco-friendly bag event brought people together to initiate important conversations, hands-on learning, and a shared goal to help the environment. It showed how communities working together can make a big difference in raising awareness about environmental issues in a fun and creative way.

View more ASEZ WAO events by clicking here.

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