World Mission

The Church of God preaches the gospel of the New Covenant as Jesus commanded, “‘Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.’” (Matthew 28:19)

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The World Mission

The mission of the Church of God is to enlighten humankind about the truth of the New Covenant that leads to salvation. The Church of God was established in South Korea in 1964 and has quickly spread to every continent and 175 countries of the world. The love of God transcends nationality, culture and background to unite all people.

Branch locations first arrived on the East Coast of the United States in 2000. Now, there are locations in every state and each major city across the nation. Church members make efforts to practice the teachings of Christ and share the love of God with their neighbors through volunteer services, Bible studies, recreational events and more.

Members actively preach wherever they go to spread the news of the New Covenant and invite all people to learn about God the Father and God the Mother, who are testified in the Bible.

God the Father and God the Mother in the Church of God

The Church of God is the only church that believes in not only God the Father but also God the Mother according to the teachings of the Bible (Rev 22:17). They are the source of the water of life and call all people to come to Them to receive eternal life. The members of the Church of God spread the news that the Spirit and the Bride have come to give salvation to the world.

Spreading the Love of Christ Through Volunteer Services

The Church of God is well known worldwide for its volunteer services. Following the example of Christ that it is better to give love than to receive, members dedicate themselves to taking care of their communities. Volunteers organize environmental cleanups, beautification projects, tree plantings, awareness raising events and more in order to connect with their neighbors and build more sustainable practices. As a result, influential leaders from various organizations and levels of government have acknowledged the Church of God for their efforts.

The Good News of the New Covenant

Jesus Christ and the Apostles preached the New Covenant and led many nations to salvation. Now, in our time, the Church of God follows in the same footsteps by preaching the good news of the New Covenant to all humankind. Members happily share the message of salvation with all people with the hope that all will come to the Spirit and the Bride. Anyone who is interested can participate in Bible studies and various activities to get to know the Church of God and Christ’s teachings.