Frequently Asked Questions

Christ Ahnsahngong in the Bible

Q: Where is Christ Ahnsahnghong in the Bible? A: To understand whether Christ Ahnsahnhong is written directly in the Bible, we must first know that Jesus’ name was not written in the Old Testament.

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The WMSCOG and Jesus

Q: Does the World Mission Society Church of God believe in Jesus? A: Yes! The Church actively puts Christ’s teachings into practice and follows in His footsteps, preaching to others about the way of salvation.

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WMSCOG World Mission Society Church of God South Korea Pangyo

The WMSCOG and Zion 

Q: Why is the WMSCOG called Zion? A: Two thousand years ago, Christ established the Church of God (1 Co 1:2). It was also referred to as Zion (Heb 12:22).

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