ASEZ WAO volunteers host a cleanup along Webster Avenue in the Bronx to address climate change.

ASEZ WAO Cleans Webster Avenue in the Bronx for a Greener Future

Impacting the wellness of our environment only comes through teamwork. However, it’s challenging for working professionals to find time and energy to devote to changing the face of their community. So, ASEZ WAO united with friends and family to carry out a beautification project in the Bronx to combat climate change.

How Cleanups Can Help Combat Climate Change

Cleanups are one of the most important ways to help combat climate change. They can have a positive impact on the environment and the community. Cleanups help reduce the amount of waste that accumulates in our environment and can help prevent pollutants from entering our waterways. This is beneficial to the health of the planet and the creatures that inhabit it.

Cleanups can also help create awareness about the effects of climate change in the community. By ASEZ WAO organizing cleanups, people can learn about the effects of climate change, how it affects our local environment and what they can do to help. Then, more people can take action to reduce their carbon footprint and create a more sustainable lifestyle. Volunteers in the Bronx will do their part by cleaning the streets and removing plastic waste, debris, and unchecked vegetation. They also re-mulched the flower beds that were overrun with weeds since the last beautification project in November 2019.

Protecting the Environment for a Greener Future

Tyree Perez, a first-time volunteer with ASEZ WAO, was delighted to participate in the cleanup. “I can see why this could impact the environment. Every team that assisted today inspired people passing by in a way that they can see the difference in their environment.” He also commented on the goal of the campaign, saying, “These kinds of events are important because they show how keeping the environment clean and well kept not only looks better but reduces the amount of waste that can end up in the wrong place.”

Van’nderl Senat, another first-time volunteer with ASEZ WAO from Weill Cornell Medical College, was inspired and moved to take action. “It was great seeing everyone come together with one goal. Seeing the result we had today, where we were able to clean up a large area in a small amount of time with the number of volunteers we had, but what if a larger company decided to do the same? It would trickle down and create a great change in our community and environment.”

In the end, volunteers collected over 70 bags of trash and spruced up the tree bed lining along Webster Avenue. ASEZ WAO will continue to face the challenge of climate change by hosting cleanups and encourage their neighbors to participate. Looking to get involved? Click here to contact us about future cleanup opportunities!

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