ASEZ Undercliff Avenue Cleanup

ASEZ Undercliff Avenue Cleanup in the Bronx

The need for love and concern for others grows as 2020 progresses. The coronavirus pandemic has changed the way we interact with each other. However, we can easily overlook the things we took for granted, and neglect can unknowingly lead to crime.

On August 6, 2020, ASEZ volunteers hosted a cleanup along Undercliff Avenue. NYS Assemblywoman Latoya Joyner and Councilmember Vanessa Gibson joined forces with the students. In addition, volunteers from Lehman College and Bronx Community College came together for the event. Also, safety measures were in place to protect the health of everyone during the pandemic. Everyone had masks and gloves, and screening stations were on-site.  

Encouragement for Caring About the Bronx 

“Trash attracts more trash. Neglect attracts more neglect,” said Assemblywoman Joyner. “No matter how small or big the initiative is, the future is waiting on you to get involved. Cleaning up the environment helps build a positive attitude towards the community. The more time, effort, and energy we make in protecting our environment, working together to reduce crime, we show that there is care and investment here.”  

“During COVID-19, residents use our open spaces regularly,” said Councilmember Gibson. “Thank you to all the students for caring about the Bronx! It shows that you want to be a part of the change, a part of the solution, that you will stand up and help instead of standing on the sidelines.”  

ASEZ Volunteers Leave an Imprint on Undercliff Avenue 

In the end, the volunteers collected about 120 bags of trash along Undercliff Avenue. Debris had accumulated since people were using open spaces more during the pandemic. Even the students participating were shocked to see how instant the results were.  

“You can right away see a positive impact,” said ASEZ volunteer Jose Ferreras from Bronx Community College. “It’s an amazing feeling to want to bring a lasting change.” 

ASEZ volunteers remain determined to bring positivity despite the challenges brought by 2020. In doing so, ASEZ will keep sharing the love of Christ with their neighbors to move forward towards a brighter future. Click here to see more activities throughout New York! 

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