Coworker Appreciation Banquet in the Bronx
On Thursday, February 29, 2024, the Church of God in the Bronx hosted a coworker appreciation banquet to celebrate Employee Appreciation Day. This day, although often overlooked, holds significant importance in recognizing the hard work and dedication of employees. The Church of God took special care to ensure that employees felt appreciated and valued. A […]
Assemblywoman Latoya Joyner Joins ASEZ WAO to Cleanup Goble Playground
Before the winter sets in, volunteers with ASEZ WAO gathered for one more cleanup effort in the Bronx. Working in partnership with Assemblywoman Latoya Joyner, 35 volunteers cleaned up Goble Playground. In total, 70 bags of leaves and garbage were collected and prepared for pickup by the NYC Dept. of Sanitation. Caring for Community Spaces […]
ASEZ STAR Thank You Campaign With Assemblyman George Alvarez
In today’s society, we rarely take time to say the simple words that can uplift others and ourselves. Those words are ones of gratitude, such as “thank you” and “I appreciate you.” Student volunteers from ASEZ STAR set out to introduce a change to this current mindset by hosting an appreciation event. Members from the […]
ASEZ STAR Volunteers Beautify Webster Avenue in the Bronx
As the winter season approaches, people tend to stay indoors to keep warm rather than brave the cold. Nevertheless, on November 12, 2023, 30 middle and high school ASEZ STAR volunteers beautified Webster Avenue in the Bronx. The purpose was to show gratitude for their community by taking positive action to clean a busy street. […]
ASEZ Volunteers Clean Up Randall Avenue in Bronx, NY
On Sunday, April 23, 2023, ASEZ hosted an Earth Day cleanup on Randall Avenue in the Bronx. There were 53 university student volunteers who participated from Bronx Community College, Lehman College, City College, Westchester Community College and Monroe College. By the end of the event, volunteers collected a total of 40 bags of trash. The […]
ASEZ WAO Cleans Webster Avenue in the Bronx for a Greener Future
Impacting the wellness of our environment only comes through teamwork. However, it’s challenging for working professionals to find time and energy to devote to changing the face of their community. So, ASEZ WAO united with friends and family to carry out a beautification project in the Bronx to combat climate change. How Cleanups Can Help […]
ASEZ Webster Avenue Cleanup in the Bronx, NY
Webster Avenue Cleanup Hosted by ASEZ On February 27, Bronx Borough President Vanessa L. Gibson joined over 80 volunteers for the ASEZ Webster Avenue cleanup. The students united from Lehman College, Bronx Community College, and Westchester Community College for this effort. They collected a total of 120 bags of trash. Other volunteers were inspired by […]
ASEZ Park Avenue Cleanup in Partnership With Assemblymember Chantel Jackson
In the Bronx, it’s far too common to see streets littered with garbage. Now, it’s an inescapable reality for Bronx residents. A neglected community has the potential to lead to an increased amount of crime in the area. As a result, students from ASEZ in the Bronx decided to take action. So, ASEZ students hosted […]
ASEZ Human Rights Day Webinar
ASEZ students hosted a Human Right Day Webinar to commemorate Human Rights Day.
ASEZ Undercliff Avenue Cleanup in the Bronx
The need for love and concern for others grows as 2020 progresses. The coronavirus pandemic has changed the way we interact with each other. However, we can easily overlook the things we took for granted, and neglect can unknowingly lead to crime. On August 6, 2020, ASEZ volunteers hosted a cleanup along Undercliff Avenue. NYS […]