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ASEZ Volunteers Clean Up Randall Avenue in Bronx, NY

On Sunday, April 23, 2023, ASEZ hosted an Earth Day cleanup on Randall Avenue in the Bronx. There were 53 university student volunteers who participated from Bronx Community College, Lehman College, City College, Westchester Community College and Monroe College. By the end of the event, volunteers collected a total of 40 bags of trash.

The event also included a booth where visitors could view before and after photos of Randall Avenue. They could also learn about various ASEZ initiatives, including the Reduce Crime Together Campaign. This campaign explains that by reducing visible signs of trash and disorder in a community, the likelihood of crime will decrease. Disposing of waste properly is also an important component of the 2023 Earth Day Theme, “Invest in Our Planet.”

A Continued Partnership with New York Officials

The cleanup on Randall Avenue was attended by New York State Senator Nathalia Fernandez and Assemblymember Karines Reyes, who awarded ASEZ with two citations. Reyes expressed, “This organization, since its founding, has focused on reducing crime by reigniting the pride that residents have in their neighborhood and its beautification. It has encouraged young people to serve their communities across the world and protect it from the perils of waste and impurity.”

In August of 2019, ASEZ partnered with Assemblymember Karina Reyes. She worked diligently alongside the volunteers for a cleanup on Webster Avenue on a hot summer day. She was also invited as a speaker for the ASEZ crime prevention forum at Lehman College. There, she recalled the efforts ASEZ carried out in her district. She praised the ASEZ for its commitment to transforming communities. She said, “That particular area, nobody takes ownership for it, and constituents have complained to me about it since it had become a dumping site. But when ASEZ showed up, they showed up with all the equipment and over 120 volunteers. We did in an afternoon what the city of New York couldn’t do. I think it’s a testament to the value of volunteerism and the value of commitment.”

Cleanups are impactful and have great potential to change the face of a neighborhood, a city, and even the earth itself. To view more ASEZ volunteer events in New York, please click here.

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