The Church of God in Syracuse

Syracuse, ranking as the fifth most populated city and 13th most populated municipality in New York, is widely recognized for its educational institutions, solidifying its status as an educational hub in Central New York.

Several of these institutions have become the academic homes to members of the World Mission Society Church of God in the region. These dedicated members actively contribute to their campuses through various educational initiatives and extend their support to surrounding communities by engaging in volunteer efforts to assist those in need.

The Church of God in Syracuse places a strong emphasis on eco-friendly and sustainable practices. ASEZ university student volunteers in Syracuse are taking proactive measures to preserve the natural beauty and enhance the safety of their neighborhoods. They organize “Reduce Crime Together” cleanups around their campuses, residential areas, and parks, including the renowned Thornden Park—a sprawling 76-acre space east of Syracuse University. In Thornden Park alone, they successfully collected 3,250 pounds of leaves and applied fresh mulch to the park’s two playgrounds.

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