
ASEZ WAO Restores the Shoreline at Kaiser Park in Brooklyn

On December 1, 2024, 35 ASEZ WAO volunteers and New York State Assemblymember Alec Brook-Krasny cleaned up the shoreline at Kaiser Park in Coney Island, Brooklyn. The winds were so cold that the beach was empty, except for a group of people wearing brightly colored vests. Even though the temperature was freezing, the volunteers worked cheerfully, determined to make a difference.

Protecting Our Blue Oceans

This cleanup was part of ASEZ WAO’s Blue Ocean Campaign, which focuses on reducing plastic pollution and protecting our oceans. Committed to this campaign, the volunteers restored the beach by removing the trash that harms the environment. The volunteers picked up garbage, both large and small, that could hurt marine life. They filled 25 bags with trash, including bottle caps, an old suitcase, tires, a cooler, a grill, and large car parts. The trash they removed could have ended up in the ocean, where it would break down into tiny pieces of plastic. These microplastics are eaten by sea creatures and can even make their way back into the food chain.

Britney Quezada, an ASEZ WAO volunteer, shared the impact of the cleanup: “Today, we’re here with about 35 volunteers, and we’re cleaning the beach to help reduce pollution. Not only does this help our marine life, but it also cuts down on the plastics in our oceans. There are over 17 million tons of plastic in the ocean, and by taking part in this cleanup, we’re helping to make the environment cleaner for everyone.”

Assemblymember Alec Brook-Krasny thanked the volunteers for their hard work. “On behalf of New York State, I’m very grateful for your help,” he said. “One day, this beach will be beautiful, and we’ll be able to swim here. But for now, we have some work to do.” The volunteers proved that every little bit of effort counts when it comes to protecting our planet.

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